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(September 14,2008
New to the Science Page)

Center for Health and the Global Environment

Eric Chivian, M.D. and Associates


(July  26,2008)

YouTube – Barack Obama in Berlin

Link TV | Experience Link TV

(June 22,2008)

An Integrative Music and Dance Experience

YouTube – Where the Hell is Matt? (2008)

(May 20, 2008)

Child Honoring: Raffi Cavoukian | Raffi Renaissance Trailer

Across all cultures, we find an essential humanity that is most visible in early childhood—a playful, intelligent and creative way of being. Early experience lasts a lifetime. It shapes our sense of self and how we see others; it also shapes our sense of what’s possible, our view of the world. The impressionable early years are the most vulnerable to family dynamics, cultural values, and planetary conditions. At this critical point in the history of humankind, the irreducible needs of all children (no matter where they live) can offer a unifying ethic by which the cultures of our interdependent world might reorder their priorities.

Child Honouring is a vision, an organizing principle, and a way of life—a revolution in values that calls for a profound redesign of every sphere of society.


D. Genpo Merzel: Big Mind

Big Mind ™, according to Merzel, is a process that allows everyone—including non-Buddhists—to experience the enlightenment of the Buddha. The process claims to implement a combination of meditation and psychological techniques and, while borrowing from certain truths found in Buddhism, is not a Buddhist form of meditation. In workshops he, or someone trained in how to conduct a Big Mind seminar, requests that participants get in touch with various aspects of themselves. He walks them through interactions with different aspects of their mind which he terms The Controller, The Skeptic and Desiring Mind—ending the process with Big Mind and Big Heart. According to Genpo Roshi, Big Mind and Big Heart are the forces within that allow us to see the interconnectedness of all beings.

(Febraury 22, 2008)

David Lynch | David Lynch Foundation

David Lynch, founder
and chairman of the
Board of Trustees of the David Lynch Foundation
for Consciousness-Based
Education and World
Peace, is an award-
winning director, writer,
and producer. His work
includes Eraserhead,
Elephant Man, Wild at
Heart, Twin Peaks, Blue
Velvet, Lost Highway,
Straight Story, Mulhol-
land Drive, and INLAND

“In today’s world of fear and uncertainty, every child should have one class period a day to dive within himself and experience the field of silence—bliss—the enormous reservoir of energy and intelligence that is deep within all of us. This is the way to save the coming generation.” These words from the great educator and scientist of consciousness, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, simply and beautifully describe the urgent need in education today.

(anuary 26, 2008)J

Michael Meade – Mosaic Multicultural Foundation

Here is a truly inspiring link with audio interviews with Michael Meade

Michael Meade is a masterful storyteller with a genius for metaphorical thinking and gleaning ideas from years of working with youth and communities at-risk. His language rings with echoes of truth and “sings with an incantational voice that takes you right to the edge of elemental knowledge.” In addition to his book, The Water of Life: Initiation and the Tempering of the Soul, Michael has several audio productions including: Initiation and the Soul: The Sacred and the Profane and Holding the Thread of Life: The Human Response to the Unraveling of the World. Michael is the Founder/Director of Mosaic Multicultural Foundation, an organization that seeks to create cross-cultural alliances, mentoring relationships and social connections built upon personal trust and commitment to bridging unhealthy divisions in contemporary communities. Michael’s work with Mosaic focuses on youth at risk, ‘genius based’ mentoring, and developing the ‘arts of community’ in diverse organizations and groups.

Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck

Director of

The Lives of Others (movie)

This movie is described by the Director as a therapeutic experience. The story, the music, the images examine and integrate opposing elements of our human condition: the extremes of reason and the extremes of emotion. View this movie in the DVD format and watch the Special Feature: Interview with the Director.   He provides a wonderful explanation of how movies explore and integrate many hidden aspects of our psyche.  We sorted this reference on our Strategies page and it obviously also belongs around our “We” campfire in that it is internally, subjectively integrative.

Thomas Berry, The Mystique of the Earth

“What I am proposing is the development of an integral human order within the order of the planet Earth: that we begin to think of an integral relationship of every aspect of existence with all other aspects, because in the design of Nature things are inherently supportive of other things.” – Berry


Besides the two additions, I am still suggesting that you wet your curiosity with the links below.

I am featuring the four/links as samples of the depth of the gathered teachers on the integrative powers of the natural mind.    It is my pleasure to introduce you to four truly remarkable teachers/writers who offer: methods and a framework for the unity of knowledge, for unlocking the healing and integrative power of your genes, for understanding and working with our adaptive unconscious and our  dreams.    Ancient wisdom and modern science are connected. Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge: Books: Edward O. Wilson

Edward O. Wilson, Pellegrino University Research Professor, Emeritus, at Harvard University, is one of the most respected scientists in the world today. Hailed as “the new Darwin” by Thomas Wolfe, and one of “America’s 25 Most Influential People” by TIME Magazine, he has twice received the Pulitzer Prize, for The Ants and On Human Nature.

Timothy D. Wilson’s Book

Harvard University Press: Strangers to Ourselves : Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious by Timothy D. Wilson

About the adaptive unconscious  Timothy Wilson writes:

“…people can process consciously about 40 pieces of information per second.  Think about it: we take in 11,000,000 pieces of information per second, but we process only 40 of them consciously.  What happened to the other 10,999,960?  It would be terribly wasteful to design a system with such incredible sensory acuity but very little capacity to use the incoming information. Fortunately, we do make use of a great deal of the this information outside of conscious awareness.” – Wilson


Allow me to introduce you to Ernest Rossi, Ph D, and the Psychobiology of Gene Expression.    He is among the thinkers and practitioners gathered on the Strategies page.    After you access Rossi’s Web page, go to the Interviews and read “Only Connect.”   Download it, print it and share with a friend.  It is truly inspirational and could change the way you think about everything. 

Ernest Rossi, Ph D, Therapeutic Hypnosis

And Powerful

Integrative Neuroscience

Third, as a wonderful complement to Rossi and Wilson, allow me to introduce you to Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.   He is also among those gathered around the Strategies fire.

He is a master from the Tibetan Bon Buddhist tradition.

“…Having accomplished sleep practices, we will know how to transform these obscurations into the path.     Sleep practice is not just for sleep, but is the practice of integrating all moments – waking and sleeping, dreaming and in the bardo – with the clear light.”   – Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche from The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep. 

Tenzin Wangyal

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

Explore !


Have some fun exploring the links we have gathered around this fire.   Use your imagination and you will be activating some of the most integrative parts of your brain.   Be curious.   You will be surprised by what you find within these “links” and you may be delighted and surprised with the creative thoughts and insights that emerge in your own mind.

Home | Tides Center

If you are curious about innovations in building a better future, and haven’t heard about the Tides Cener in San Francisco, this link will interest you.  It was recently added to the circle of integrative resources around the Future camp fire.

(February 25, 2007)

I am featuring two sites/links as samples of the depth of the gathered teachers on the integrative powers of the natural mind.    It is my pleasure to introduce you to a two truly remarkable teachers who offer methods for unlocking the healing and integrative power of your genes and your dreams.  

First, allow me to introduce you to Ernest Rossi, Ph D, and the Psychobiology of Gene Expression.    He is among the thinkers and practitioners gathered on the Strategies page.    After you access Rossi’s Web page, go to the Interviews and read “Only Connect.”   Download it, print it and share with a friend.  It is truly inspirational and could change the way you think about everything. 

Ernest Rossi, Ph D, Therapeutic Hypnosis

And Powerful

Integrative Neuroscience

Second, as a wonderful complement to Rossi, allow me to introduce you to Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.   He is also among those gathered around the Strategies fire.

He is a master from the Tibetan Bon Buddhist tradition.

“…Having accomplished sleep practices, we will know how to transform these obscurations into the path.     Sleep practice is not just for sleep, but is the practice of integrating all moments – waking and sleeping, dreaming and in the bardo – with the clear light.”   – Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche from The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep. 

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

Explore !

Tour of the Week, December 25th, 2006


Featured , November 27th, 2006

Featured, October 30th. – November 11th., 2006

If you want to get a sense of the range of wonderful resources within this web space,  take the September 25th tour (below).    This week, favoring depth rather than breadth, I am featuring one particular link as a sample of the depth of the gathered teachers on the integrative powers of the natural mind.    It is my pleasure to introduce you to a truly remarkable teacher and brilliantly clear writer who offers methods for unlocking the healing and integrative power of your dreams.   He is a master from the Tibetan Bon Buddhist tradition.

“…Having accomplished sleep practices, we will know how to transform these obscurations into the path.     Sleep practice is not just for sleep, but is the practice of integrating all moments – waking and sleeping, dreaming and in the bardo – with the clear light.”   – Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche from The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep.

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

He can be found through the first link on the

Therapeutic Strategies page, “The Chamma Ling Retreat Center”

Explore !


Tour of the Week: October 1, 2006

This week rather than suggest you meet someone at all five positions around the campfire of discovery, I am suggesting that you meet someone from one perspective on the circle and spend time moving into that site to appreciate it’s depth and the wisdom and inspiration available there.   She is a great example of the richness of the perspectives and insights represented throughout this Website.

Dear Visitor,

It is an honor to introduce you to Joanna Macy.  Click on the line below her picture, go to her website and then read her “My Current Letter.”  Prepare yourself for a personally, emotionally moving experience.  Then familiarize yourself with her many integrative projects.   If you are a scholarly-type, go buy her brilliant books.  If you are interested in integration, she is someone well worth knowing.   If you don’t already know about her, it is my pleasure to introduce you to her. – Welcome to All Beings

The above “tour” will take more than one visit.

Or not.

You will be discovering what we need to “integrate” and how we can do it.



Tour of the Week:  September 25,2006

  • Start by reading the Introduction Page and the Directory Page for an understanding of the purpose for this website.     Please also read the text immediately to the right, to understand that the layout (mental model) of the site is inspired by metanomics, the Grammatical Method, of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy.   
  • Since we are all in this together, explore the “we/inside” page.  This week I strongly recommend that you start with a sample of the people around this fire by meeting Martin Buber , one of the leading thinkers of the 20th Century who spoke about  how we connect as human beings.  In the I-Thou relationship we are connected.”   “We” is the pronoun designating “insiders” who rally around culture and literature and religion and philosophy and family and song and beliefs that join us.

Take The Original or Standard Tour

Integration is about connecting across generations, across disciplines, across space, across time, across perspectives and creating synergy with the different parts of our mind.   Explore some more content of this site, try another sample tour, visit these sites in sequence:

Tour of the Weeks:  September 11 and September 18, 2006

  • Start by reading the Introduction Page and the Directory Page for an understanding of the purpose for this website.     Please also read the text immediately to the right, to understand that the layout (mental model) of the site is inspired by metanomics, the Grammatical Method, of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy.   
  • Since we are all in this together, explore the “we-inside” page.  Take a chance,  click on any of the links there and see whether you have found something new or something familiar related to “us.”  “We” is the pronoun designating “insiders” who rally around culture and literature and religion and philosophy and family and song and beliefs that join us.
  • There are a many brilliant thinkers gathered around the  science-outside fire.   Pick one at random and see what fate offers you.  Be unscientific while visiting some scientists on the cutting edge of science. 
  • The integrative process requires that we deal effectively with our past. And some wonderfully integrative minds have shed light on this challenge.  Check out a sample of the thinkers on our history-past page.
  • What are we going to do?  That is question for our future.  Visit our political-future page and discover a rich treasure of resources.
  • If you are curious about the many specific ways therapists and healers have developed strategies to generate integrative and therapeutic syntax, visit the strategies page and see which link generates the most curiosity and explore it. 
  • Finally, read the “teaching stories” on the link “Meaningful Moments Along the Path” which are accessed from the Resume page.

Week of August 27, and week of Sept 4,  2006:  For the next two weeks, 

the recommended introductory tour of this site is as follows:

  • Start by reading the Introduction Page and the Directory Page for an understanding of the purpose for this website.     Please also read the text immediately to the right, to understand that the layout of the site is inspired by metanomics, the Grammatical Method, of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy.
  •  Click on the link to the Strategies Page (an array of many brilliant therapists and therapeutic approaches). Read the introductory text and then explore the link to NLP University.   You will discover Robert Dilts and his associates and learn about the truly remarkable and evolutionary training they offer.
  • Click on the We/Inside page, read the visitor’s “role induction” and then select the “Gurdjieff”  link and be introduced to a remarkable and insightful student of the human condition.
  • Next access the Future/Political page and spend some time reading about Bucky Fuller on one or more of the Buckminster Fuller links.   If you have the time read the Manual For Spaceship Earth.   It is a short book.  It is available here and other places on the web in it’s entirety for free.   Fuller was unquestionably a genius who was far far ahead of his time.  He is as relevant today as ever, maybe more so.
  • Go to the Science/Outside page and entertain yourself by clicking on the link under the Norbert Wiener picture.  Get a flavor for the insightful humor of one of the most significant and influential mathematicians of several generations.
  • Arthur Adkins was a scholar who researched ancient Greek culture.  One of his claims to fame was finding the evidence that in Athenian culture the value of collaborative effort was seen as practically preferable to a more warier-like culture associated with the Spartan mentality.  Find and explore the link honoring Arthur Adkins on the History/Past page.
  • Finally, read the “teaching stories” on the link “Meaningful Moments Along the Path” which are accessed from the Resume page.

           click on title to return to Meet Page

Week of August 20, 2006



Week of August 13, 2006

(Week of August 6, 2006)

  • Alex Grey is one my favorite artists and his work captures the meaning of “integration” as well as anything with which I am familiar.  This link is pure pleasure and awakening.  After you meet Alex Grey your thinking about We/Inside will never be the same. Be sure to go to his “multimedia” page and watch his series of Quick Time Movies on the Nature of Mind.
  • From the gathering of scientists on the Outside/Science page, one of the leaders in neuroscience is available, and it is my pleasure to introduce Dan Siegel and his scholarly Interpersonal Neural Biology paper.   It is clear that the right experiences enhance our capacity for integration.
  • We have placed Jeffrey Mishlove in our gathering of Integrative Strategist but he could be at all the gatherings. Enter the portal to Jeffrey Mishlove’s Menu of Heavenly Delights.
  • Do thoughts about the future capture your attention? From our Future/Political page, add some integrative dimensions to your thinking. Check out Clare W. Graves ’emergent-cyclical’ theory of human nature.
  • This stop will introduce you to a person with a notable perspective on history, Kenneth Boulding, but also introduce you to a great source of interviews on history.  From our History/Past gathering go to Conversation with Kenneth Boulding,

(week of July 31, 2006)

               (week of July 23,2006)               

  • Let “us” start at the cultural/subjective fire (We/Inside).  We find an integration of history, science, and human culture in the amazing work of Marija Gambutas.
  • At the Science/Outside fire is one of the most amazing descriptions of how physics is changing our understanding of the nature of the cosmos. Find an introduction to Robert Nadeau and Menas Kafatos.
  • At the Future/Political fire, meet someone who has acted and changed things to create a better future for many.  Meet Paulo Freire.
  • Phil Cousineau  is such a wonderful example of an integrative thinker, he could be at any camp fire. On this site you find him at the History/Past gathering.  I have met him and read many of his books.  He has my enthusiastic endorsement.
  • Strategies for achieving harmony with mother earth may be of interest to you, if you care about your differentiated “self” being able to function as a whole with the rest of us.  At Nanish Shontie you will find a portal to relevant Native American wisdom.